(Los Angeles, CA)

LCLA is a church in Los Angeles that meets in homes.

We keep it simple: We follow Jesus. We don't have a church building like you might expect or a lot of sophisticated events, but you'll find us regularly engaged in the life of this community: the neighborhoods, coffee shops, bars, parks, etc.

We love people who follow Jesus and people who don't. We talk about God a lot because He's changing every area of our lives; in Him we've found truth about forgiveness and hope for life after death.

If you're interested in following Jesus with others in a house church in Los Angeles, join us!


As a church that meets primarily in homes (a.k.a. "house church" or "micro-church"), we love and serve one another primarily in "Fellowship Groups" of about 8-25 people (children and adults). Within these groups we use our varied, God-given abilities to build each other up in Christ and live as the Family of God. This involves everything from encouragement throughout the week to meeting each other’s needs in very tangible ways.

Beyond our regular church gatherings (below), much of our ministry happens over everyday life. We believe the Church is intended to be scattered throughout society, living as a witness to the love and truth of Jesus Christ wherever we are, all the time! Because of this, we intentionally don't plan a ton of "church events," but instead we are connected with what's already going on in the community and do our best to display Jesus Christ in those contexts.

We are one of many local churches in Los Angeles, and we love to work in partnership with these other churches in Los Angeles.

(Want more information about these gatherings? Contact us!)

  • Once per week each Fellowship Group (including kids!) gathers specifically for a Fellowship Meal in the home of one of our members. This meal, usually a potluck, includes remembering the sacrifice of Jesus and the promise of his return through Communion. It is followed by a time of praise, mutual upbuilding, and prayer.

    Most Sundays, we also have a time of Bible Study before the meal. Each week builds on the prior weeks, so we suggest you join us as consistently as possible! If you miss a week, catch the podcast, however we encourage you to be present for the gathering and only use the podcast as a last resort; We believe that learning through group discussion with the church is an important way to learn and promote application!

    (A detailed statement of our beliefs is coming soon...)

  • We currently meet for prayer on Wednesdays from 7:30 - 8:45pm ONLINE ONLY.

    Usually, each week builds on the prior weeks, so we suggest you join us as consistently as possible! If you miss a week, catch the podcast, however we encourage you to be present for the gathering and only use the podcast as a last resort; We believe that learning through group discussion with the church is an important way to learn and promote application!

    (A detailed statement of our beliefs is coming soon...)

  • We are committed to knowing each other very well, so beyond the family connection of the Fellowship Group, every member is encouraged to have even closer relationships with two or three specific other members with whom they touch bases regularly for discipleship, confession, encouragement and prayer.

  • At our Fellowship Meals, the Bible is taught and we sing together; Beyond Sundays, we use our gifts and talents to serve each other over everyday life.

    Without a traditional Sunday morning public worship service, we understand that our format is different than what many people expect "church" to be, but we've found great benefit in making a priority of smaller group relationships, and find our format easy to connect with the earliest churches described in the Bible.

    Should we have multiple Fellowship Groups formed, on the second Sundays of the month our Fellowship Groups will join together for an all-church Fellowship Meal!

    If Local Church of Los Angeles isn't the church for you, we would be happy to recommend other great local churches in Los Angeles!

circlepodcast    PODCAST

Our Mid-Week Learning podcast is available here.

(You can also visit us on Apple Music, Spotify, or YouTube.)

Comment Dollar  DONATIONS

Thank you for giving generously from your heart, not reluctantly or under compulsionMay God's grace abound to you, having all sufficiency in all things at all times, that you may abound in every good work! (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

(Local Church Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax-deductible! )


thecity  MEMBERS

REALM is our church management and social platform where you can connect with other members in the church, keep informed of activities and prayer requests, and manage your donations

(Create an account by scanning the QR Code or clicking here.)